Make the most of your tweet

Twitter's 'Tweet Button' has become the standard for websites and blogs around the internet. Yeah, it's that little button to the right of this paragraph. twitter bird Run with it (this blog) has had that implemented since day one thanks in large part to the fact that Twitter makes including the button really simple. Just grab the snippet of code and throw it into your html. It took me a little while to realize that the default settings, while great for getting you up and running, do not result in the prettiest of tweets. Here I'll walk you through how to utilize google's url shortener, and get the basic Tweet Button functionality down.


Twitter allows you to include the button with an iframe or via a snippet of javascript. I'm going to walk through the javascript setup because it's the most convenient and it's also what Twitter recommends. If you go to the Twitter Button resource page you'll be given a set of options to configure your Tweet Button. Once you've figure out how you want it laid out you should have something that looks like this.