- Understanding Instruction Sequence Disasm (04 Feb 2014)
With the upcoming bookclub on Ruby Under a Microscope I decided to dive into some C internals to better understand what was going on.
- Finding Failure - Git Bisect (20 Dec 2013)
Any sufficiently large development team will assuredly run into a situation where a failure occurs in a codebase that isn't exposed by the test suite. When this happens it helps to have something to reach for, something to help you narrow down that sea of incoming code into a manageable chunk to be debugged. We're in luck, let's learn about Git's Bisect command
- Transient Attributes with Fabrication (16 Sep 2013)
Here I'll show you a brief example of how to use transient attributes with the Fabrication gem!
- Phantom Js CLI options (13 Sep 2013)
Quick tip about customizing phantom js through poltergeist.
- SSL Nightmares (02 May 2013)
Here we'll talk about what SSL is, some of the perils while using it, and how to set up mutual authentication with Ruby's net-http library.
- Method Signatures You Can Sink Your Teeth Into (07 Mar 2013)
Let's review various ways to create methods in Ruby!
- Code Metrics and You (03 Jan 2013)
Here we'll go over some of the rudiments of code metrics. Learn how to detect overly complex code.
- Try and Try Again (15 Oct 2012)
I'll breifly go through a simple implementation of the NullOjbect pattern. Also some refactoring. :)
- Pry 102: Advanced Features (03 May 2012)
Give this link a click if you are interested in learning more about the advanced features of the ruby REPL Pry.
- Hitchhiker's Guide to Metaprogramming: Class/Module Hooks (23 Apr 2012)
I wrote another article for Rubysource about metaprogramming in ruby. In part one of this series I cover some of the basic class/module hooks. Maybe you should check it out. ;)
- Introducing Pivot.js (10 Apr 2012)
Here I'll talk a little bit about Pivot.js a new reporting library that let's you create extremely flexible reports on the fly.
- Zero to Jekyll in Twenty Minutes (04 Apr 2012)
Hey everyone I've posted an article over on Rubysource.com be sure to check it out.
- New Site, New Style (22 Mar 2012)
I've migrated Run With It to jekyll. The migration introduces a bunch of changes that will let me write more while still keeping the code clean.
- Setting Up a Remote Environment (20 Mar 2012)
Here I'll show you how easy it is to set up an alternate remote dev environment in Rails. Allowing you to work from home. ^_^
- Introducing EspnRb (12 Mar 2012)
Announcing EspnRb my wrapper around the ESPN developer API. It covers some basic usage examples and where you can learn more about it.